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Nutrients in 500 calories of Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour

Wheat flour, white (industrial), 9% protein, bleached, unenriched.

Weight per 500 Calories

Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour

Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has high energy density in comparison to other foods.

Macros Ratio

Protein Fat Carbs
500 kcal ▼

Macro Nutrients

Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour
Energy500 kcal
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 500 kcal of Energy per 500 calories, which is 17.2% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 2900kcal per day for Men 19-50 years
Fat1.95 g
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 1.9482288828338 g of Fat per 500 calories, which is 2% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 97g per day for Men 19-50 years
Saturated Fat0.46 g
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.46321525885559 g of Saturated Fat per 500 calories, which is 1.45% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 32g per day for Men 19-50 years
Omega 30.023 g
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.023160762942779 g of Omega 3 per 500 calories, which is 1.45% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 1.6g per day for Men 19-50 years
Omega 60.8 g
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.79700272479564 g of Omega 6 per 500 calories, which is 4.7% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 17g per day for Men 19-50 years
Cholesterol0 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0 mg of Cholesterol per 500 calories, which is 0% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 290mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Carbohydrate105 g
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 105.34059945504 g of Carbohydrate per 500 calories, which is 81% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 130g per day for Men 19-50 years
Sugars0.74 g
Limit added sugars in the diet to less than 10% of total calories [Guidelines 2020]
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.73569482288828 g of Sugars per 500 calories, which is 1% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 72.5g per day for Men 19-50 years
Fructose0.041 g
≤50g/day or ~10% of energy has no deleterious effect on lipid and glucose control and of ≤100g/day does not influence body weight[PMC2991323]
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.040871934604905 g of Fructose per 500 calories, which is 0.056% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 72.5g per day for Men 19-50 years
Glucose0.041 g
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.040871934604905 g of Glucose per 500 calories, which is % of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of g per day for Men 19-50 years
Sucrose0.35 g
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.35422343324251 g of Sucrose per 500 calories, which is % of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of g per day for Men 19-50 years
Fiber3.27 g
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 3.2697547683924 g of Fiber per 500 calories, which is 8.6% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 38g per day for Men 19-50 years
Protein12 g
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 12.111716621253 g of Protein per 500 calories, which is 21.6% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 56g per day for Men 19-50 years
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Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour
Vitamin A0 μg
RAE, retinol activity equivalents
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0 μg of Vitamin A per 500 calories, which is 0% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 900μg per day for Men 19-50 years
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Vitamin B10.26 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.26430517711172 mg of Vitamin B1 per 500 calories, which is 22% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 1.2mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Buy Vegan Vitamin B1
Vitamin B20.098 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.098092643051771 mg of Vitamin B2 per 500 calories, which is 7.55% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 1.3mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Buy Vegan Vitamin B2
Vitamin B31.63 mg
Niacin, nicotinic acid, niacinamide
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 1.6321525885559 mg of Vitamin B3 per 500 calories, which is 10.2% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 16mg per day for Men 19-50 years
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Vitamin B50.25 mg
Pantothenic acid
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.25476839237057 mg of Vitamin B5 per 500 calories, which is 5.1% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 5mg per day for Men 19-50 years
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Vitamin B60.05 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.050408719346049 mg of Vitamin B6 per 500 calories, which is 3.88% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 1.3mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Vitamin B7
No information available
Vitamin B942.2 μg
Folates and Folic Acid
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 42.234332425068 μg of Vitamin B9 per 500 calories, which is 10.6% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 400μg per day for Men 19-50 years
Vitamin B120 μg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0 μg of Vitamin B12 per 500 calories, which is 0% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 2.4μg per day for Men 19-50 years
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Vitamin C0 mg
Ascorbic acid
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0 mg of Vitamin C per 500 calories, which is 0% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 90mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Vitamin D0 IU
Calciferol, cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0 IU of Vitamin D per 500 calories, which is 0% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 600IU per day for Men 19-50 years
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Vitamin E0.068 mg
Tocopherols and Tocotrienols
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.068119891008174 mg of Vitamin E per 500 calories, which is 0.45% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 15mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Vitamin K0.41 μg
Phytomenadione or phylloquinone
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.40871934604905 μg of Vitamin K per 500 calories, which is 0.34% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 120μg per day for Men 19-50 years


Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour
Calcium27.2 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 27.24795640327 mg of Calcium per 500 calories, which is 2.72% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 1000mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Copper0.22 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.22479564032698 mg of Copper per 500 calories, which is 25% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 0.9mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Fluoride is a mineral that helps prevent tooth decay and helps keep your bones strong. [RDA]
No information available
Iron1.7 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 1.716621253406 mg of Iron per 500 calories, which is 21.5% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 8mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Magnesium27.2 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 27.24795640327 mg of Magnesium per 500 calories, which is 6.5% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 420mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Manganese0.86 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 0.85558583106267 mg of Manganese per 500 calories, which is 37% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 2.3mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Molybdenum is an essential trace element that is naturally present in many foods [RDA]
No information available
Phosphorus116 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 115.8038147139 mg of Phosphorus per 500 calories, which is 16.5% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 700mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Potassium178 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 178.47411444142 mg of Potassium per 500 calories, which is 5.25% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 3400mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Selenium15.5 μg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 15.531335149864 μg of Selenium per 500 calories, which is 28.2% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 55μg per day for Men 19-50 years
Sodium2.72 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 2.724795640327 mg of Sodium per 500 calories, which is 0.18% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 1500mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Zinc1.3 mg
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 1.2806539509537 mg of Zinc per 500 calories, which is 11.6% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 11mg per day for Men 19-50 years
Water16 g
Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour has 16.144414168937 g of Water per 500 calories, which is 0.44% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 3700g per day for Men 19-50 years
Vitamins in 500 calories of Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour:
Minerals in 500 calories of Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour:
Macronutrients in 500 calories of Unenriched Bleached 9% Protein White (industrial) Wheat Flour:

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