Chicory Instant CoffeeBeverages, coffee, instant, chicory6671.67NA8.335002NA500583316.711671.67164900
Instant CoffeeRegular Instant Coffee Powder2000.2NA6.254632.42NA42950071852.40.54.40
Malt Liquor BeverageBeverages, Malt liquor beverage37.50.063NA0.3862.50.063NA163413037.5111810
Brewed Oolong TeaBeverages, tea, Oolong, brewed5000NA0500105NA5006000015005499200
Whole Wheat French BreadWhole Wheat French or Vienna Bread880.39NA1.57109NANA33334165.77852.4383.30
Corn BranCrude Corn Bran940.55NA6.231430.31NA161983715.63.510.50
Crackers, water biscuitsCrackers, water biscuits00.17NA026NANA13012940.87430.8514.30
Leavening agents, cream of tartarLeavening agents, cream of tartar15.50.38NA7.23.880.4NA9.7319770.391010.813.30
YeastBaker Yeast460.67NA3.34830.48NA98014691278.512.27.80
Microwaved White MushroomsMushrooms, white, microwaved85.75.3NA4.72000.91NA1814697125724310.412650
Stir-Fried White MushroomsMushrooms, white, stir-fried775.6NA4.82120.9NA201976152672311117520
Long Rice Chinese NoodlesLong Rice Chinese Noodles, dehydrated35.60.12NA3.14.270.14NA45.614.211.314.20.58190
Chow MeinChow Mein Chinese Noodles00.13NA6.83200.61NA10410930.39190.861.680
Almond OilOil, almond00NA00NANA0000000
Babassu OilOil, babassu0NANA00NANA0000000
Canola OilOil, canola00NA000NA0000000
Coconut OilOil, coconut0.560NA0.02800NA00000.0110.0170
Cupu Assu OilOil, cupu assu0NANANA0NANA0000000
Grapeseed OilOil, grapeseed0NANA00NANA0000000
Hazelnut OilOil, hazelnut0NANA00NANA0000000
Oat OilOil, oat00NA000NA0000000
Olive OilSalad or Cooking Olive Oil0.570NA0.3200NA00.5701.13000
Palm OilOil, palm00NA0.0060NANA0000000
Peanut OilSalad or Cooking Peanut Oil00NA0.0170NANA00000.00600
Poppyseed OilOil, poppyseed0NANA00NANA0000000
Rice Bran OilOil, rice bran0NANA0.040NANA0000000
Sheanut OilOil, sheanut0NANA00NANA0000000
Teaseed OilOil, teaseed0NANA00NANA0000000
Walnut OilOil, walnut00NA00NANA0000000
Canned Jumbo OlivesCanned Ripe Jumbo Olives5801.4NA20.524.70.12NA18.555.65.5645371.365210
Canned Small Ripe OlivesCanned Small Ripe Olives3791.1NA2717.20.086NA1334.53.8831680.953450

Minerals in Top 100 Vegan Food with the lowest Sugars content per 500 kcal

In the above table you can find and compare the amount of minerals in all vegan food , sorted by least amount of Sugars per 500 calories.

Top 5 vegan food with least amount of sugars per 500 calories are:

  1. Low Calorie Carbonated, Cola Or Pepper-type, With Aspartame, Contains Caffeine
  2. Low Calorie Carbonated, Cola Or Pepper-type, With Aspartame, Without Caffeine
  3. Fortified With Vitamin D2 And E Shelf-stable Unsweetened Chocolate Almond Milk
  4. Breakfast Blend Brewed Coffee
  5. Restaurant-prepared Espresso Brewed Coffee